A Brexit diary

‘Leave or remain?’ I have overheard many such conversations lately, on the train to work in Birmingham, in my favourite cafes on Cowley Road in Oxford, queuing for a bus. It is also trending in twitter and facebook conversations among my ‘followers’ and ‘friends’. Which way the vote will swing just over 3 million UK residents with no right to vote in the EU referendum? ‘Are you leaving or remaining in the UK if Brexit wins the referendum?’, we ask each other.

This is how this diary series started on 25 February 2016, a few days after David Cameron’s announcement that a referendum was going to be held on 23rd June.  The previous posts are available here, you are welcome to comment, share, reblog them. From now on, they will be published also on this blog. The aim is to capture through the diary Brexit-related events as they unfold in the weeks and months to come from the perspective of a EU citizen, as well as offer a closer and more personal space where to reflect on the encounters and conversations which we will have throughout this project.

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